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How to Use Pinterest For Product Promotion? - Amanpreet Grewal

Pinterest is built for product promotion, especially if your product is a physical product. However, it can work for digital products too.  Amanpreet Grewal ,  You just need to find a way to be super-visual regarding your digital products and how they help your audience. Build Your Audience If you want to sell on Pinterest, the best way to do that is to build your audience. Try to put up valuable content for your audience on a consistent basis. Incentivize them to follow you, engage, share and save your content. Keep Track of the Calendar Every day there is a holiday somewhere. Depending on who your audience is and what they like, you can use your calendar as a guide to when to promote something. For example, if your product is not really gift-giving material, you may want to promote right before or after a gift-giving holiday instead of during it. Create a Theme Another way to develop inviting pinboards is to consider creating a theme for every single pro

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